Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Coffee Cuffs

I sell felted coffee cuffs at a local coffee and tea shop here in Corvallis called Oregon Coffee and Tea.  I love making the cuffs to slip on a paper mug of a take out drink.  I weave them about 4 inches across on the loom, wash to felt and cut.  Decorating is extra fun--a button here or there(it is a cuff), maybe some needle felting and a bit of stitching.  I am taking a stack of cuffs down to the shop today.  See you there for a bit of Christmas shopping.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What is that I smell in the air?

I know it is very hard to be thinking about the next holiday before this one is over.  I got some sense of Christmas this week...I was in a long line at the post office mailing a birthday present.  I also got a call from The River Gallery in Independence, Oregon(about 30 minutes from Corvallis) where I am a contract artist to tell me they install the Holiday Show next week and are looking for new work this week.  I turned in several ornaments, handwoven scarves and kitchen towels for sale.  Many of the ornaments I finished up last year because I know how hard it is for me to be thinking of Christmas this early.  Weaving scarves and towels all year long is pure therapy.  I prefer to stick with Thanksgiving until...so I stopped at Bugerville for a Pumpkin Milkshake on the way home to get me back in the Thanksgiving mood.
Handwoven scarf for sale